"You two should break up, you're too young to be in a long term relationship." "Why are you wasting your young teenage years being in a relationship." "You two won't last when college hits." These statements and questions are something I hear almost EVERYDAY. But let me give you a background as to why I hear them and why I couldn't disagree more. It was basketball season my freshman year of high school. My brother played and we traveled to watch him play at a school in our conference called Paint Valley. While he was playing, I noticed this super cute guy on Paint Valley's team wearing number three. So naturally I tell my mom and of course she knows his aunt. My mom messages his aunt and his aunt told him. A week later I received a direct message from Anthony, cutie number three, on instagram and the rest is history. February 22, 2014 Anthony asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. Five and a half years later we ar...
Here are a mix of blogs throughout two semesters for my Social Media classes. My latest blogs revolve around my wedding coming up in June.