Here I am, writing my last blog for this class. Not going to lie, I thought these blogs were going to be the death of me, but I actually enjoy them now. It took a while to get in the swing of things, but once I got into a pattern it became easier and I started to enjoy blogging. But as I'm sitting here, realizing Christmas break starts in one day for me, I'm trying to figure out where this semester went. Most semesters go by fast for me, but this one seriously flew by. It feels like yesterday it was the first football game, and now I'm packing up to leave for a month. It probably went by so fast for me because it was my favorite semester yet, and here's why. This semester I have done so much with friends. From taking friends back home with me for one of my shows, to just simple Starbucks runs, the time we spend together is always great. I have become so close to all of my friends this semester and I am so thankful for it. We hang out at least three times and a week,...
Here are a mix of blogs throughout two semesters for my Social Media classes. My latest blogs revolve around my wedding coming up in June.